Another angle! Full marquee setup installed by @naphtalieventsandrentals Love the view? We are party…
Another angle! Full marquee setup installed by @naphtalieventsandrentals
Love the view? We are party ready.🥳 Partner with us for your n...
Full marquee setup installed by @naphtalieventsandrentals Love the view? We are party ready. Partner…
Full marquee setup installed by @naphtalieventsandrentals
Love the view? We are party ready.🥳 Partner with us for your next event. Plea...
Our marquee gradually taking shape. It takes the capable hands from our team to raise these poles Al…
Our marquee ⛺gradually taking shape. It takes the capable hands from our team to raise these poles😋
All hands on deck (because come rai...
This is how it all begins when our team arrives a party venue( all hands have to be on deck o..na th…
This is how it all begins when our team arrives a party venue( all hands have to be on deck o..na the work we dey do) They start by lay...