To keep trying should be a promise to oneself. If you fall, it means you have been walking. A man wh…
To keep trying should be a promise to oneself. If you fall, it means you have been walking. A man who is down cant fall. #party #party ...
Hard work is one of the ways to gain motivation. When you achieve success, you will feel great due t…
Hard work is one of the ways to gain motivation. When you achieve success, you will feel great due to the hard work you’ve put in.
Learn to live in the present and enjoy what you have. The only real thing is the present. The past i…
Learn to live in the present and enjoy what you have. The only real thing is the present. The past is gone and is an experience now. Be...
Our future depends on what we do to our present. So, if we don’t shape our present now, we cannot wi…
Our future depends on what we do to our present. So, if we don't shape our present now, we cannot witness the desired result in the fut...
We must learn to put our effort, mind and heart even into smaller activities so that we can learn to…
We must learn to put our effort, mind and heart even into smaller activities so that we can learn to enjoy small success while building...